Flower arranging teams
Holy Cross
At Holy Cross Church, there is a rota of flower arrangers and usually one person (with help as required) takes on purchasing and arranging flowers on the altar on a fortnightly basis. The cost of the flowers is paid for by the parish.
The team usually works together for major feasts or parish events.
New arrangers would always be welcome.
Experience is not necessary as existing arrangers would be pleased to help new volunteers.
If you would like to be involved with the flowers, or to find out more, please use the Contact Form.

Ss Philip & James
The Ss Philip & James Flower Group consists of twelve ladies. We have a rota whereby two people do the flower arranging for a calendar month.
There are four stands and two niches to do each week with watering in between. Sometimes it is just a case of freshening up and adding a few new flowers.
Flowers at special occasions
For special occasions – Christmas – Easter – Weddings etc – as many people from the group that can make it do the arranging and it is quite a social event!
We also go out for a meal before Christmas and also in the Summer.
If anyone would like to join us new members are welcome.
The flowers are paid for by the Parish, except at Christmas when we have a collection. At Easter we ask people to sponsor a Lily in the name of a loved one who will be prayed for at all the masses.
It is a thriving group and good fun whilst helping to keep our Church looking beautiful.
If you would like to be involved with the flowers, or to find out more, please use the Contact Form.